The Safety Emporium Blog
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New pH and Water Analysis Products
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onWe're excited to be carrying Ohaus's complete line of water analysis meters for all of your electrochemical analysis needs including pH, oxidation/reduction potential (ORP), conductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), salinity, resistivity, dissolved oxygen, and temperature measurements.
Select complete kits or just the components or expansion accessories that you need!

Don't Go In Circles When You Can Go With Ovals
What's better than Oval's revolutionary non-magnetic oval-shaped low-profile fire extinguishers that are designed to help hospital and other healthcare facilities comply with the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) accessibility guidance? Why, that would be eight different cabinets designed to hold the Oval Modem 10J-ABC unit!These cabinets comply with the 4" [...]

New improved Ansul CleanGuard+ Clean Agent Fire Extinguishers Now Available!!
Ansul has updated their venerated CleanGuard clean agent fire extinguisher line with a new lower-cost, safer, and more environmentally friendly extinguishing agent, FK-5-1-12, effective immediately!The FK-5-1-12 agent in these extinguishers has a low (effectively zero) ODP (ozone depletion potential), a low GWP (global warming potential) and an atmospheric lifetime rating of approximately one week, compared to [...]

ACI Model 3120 FDA/NIOSH US-Made Surgical Grade N95 Respirators IN STOCK
We're pleased to announce the immediate availability of Advanced Concept Innovations' Model 3120 Surgical N95 Respirators which are both FDA and NIOSH-approved. They are manufactured in the USA in Lakeland, Florida (with global materials, of course). They are ideal for use in medical clinics, operating rooms, surgical applications, laboratory procedures, infection control protocols, emergency planning/preparedness as well as [...]

NIOSH N95's are NOT in short supply and are NOT just for health care workers.
We are still seeing a lot of well-intentioned but outdated articles that claim N95 masks are in short supply and should be reserved for health care workers. While that might have been true in April of 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic first struck, this advice is seriously outdated.NIOSH-approved N95 and N99 masks are in ample [...]

Don't Trust Web Sites That Recommend KN95 and Cloth Masks
We've seen dozens of tech sites, syndicated media companies, mommy blogs and others create posts titled along the lines of "The Best KN95's" which feature links directly to those products on Amazon and sites with "N95" (but not "KN95") in their name, most of which never existed before the pandemic. Many try to create a [...]

2021 Can't Come Soon Enough!
Yes, we've all had about enough 2020. Which is why we're happy to announce that our dated 2021 tamper seals (item # 09776) are now IN STOCK. Our ever-popular 4 year metal extinguisher inspection tags (item # 09375) that are dated 2021 through 2024 are also now available:
Super Safety Sign Extravaganza!
We have a one-time supply of 23,000 safety signs that just came in. All made in USA from UL-certified recycled materials to support LEED initiatives. Classic OSHA/ANSI signs, biohazard, no smoking, eyewash, shower, concealed weapons, radiation, recycling, exit/egress etc. Some are glow in the dark, some are window decals, some are wall-projecting etc. Mostly plastic [...]

NEW PRODUCT: Tamper-Resistant COVID-19 Pre-Screened Tyvek® Wrist Bands w/ Serial Numbering
These 3/4" (1.9 cm) wide wristbands are made from premium grade Tyvek® and feature tamper-proof security slits with a serial number, making these virtually impossible to remove or transfer. Use them to oversee and monitor the health and safety of your guests, workers, or customers. They are ideal for hospitals, clinics, transportation boarding areas, rallies, [...]

Made-in-USA NIOSH-Approved N95 masks IN STOCK
Our customers are loving our new MADE IN USA NIOSH-Approved N95 folding masks which are now IN STOCK for immediate shipment. These masks are assembled in Paterson, NJ (using globally sourced materials, of course), in a factory that just opened this month and we're among the first to be able to bring you this sought-after product. We [...]